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developer-guide - developer's guide to Spong


This is the developer guild to Spong. It documents the inner workings of the client and server programs. It also describes the plug-in mechanism of the spong-client and spong-network so that new check modules can be developed for these programs.


This section deals with the low level communication protocols that the clients use to talk with the spong-server. The Spong and Big Brothers protocols almost identical. They vary only in the data format.


The spong-server listens in on port 1998 for status updates from clients.
After a socket has been opened, the client program sends a message with the
following format:

    command host service color time[:TTL] summary (\n)
    detailed status message line 1 (\n)
    detailed status message line 2 (\n)
    detailed status message line n (\n)


The command being sent to the spong server indicating a type of update message or a change in operating status of the client.
The fully qualified domain name of the host the message is for.
The name of the service that the update message is for.
The status color of the service (green - ok, yellow - warning, red - alert).
The date/time of the update message in epoch time format (i.e. the number of seconds since 01/01/70, 00:00 AM)
This optional field is the time to live, in seconds, for the status message. Normally a will become stale (i.e. purple status) after 2 times $SPONGSLEEP seconds which is the default. See the section on $SPONGSLEEP in the spong.conf manpage. This field will override the default and keep the status message valid for a longer period of time.
The status summary message field. A short and to the point message that summarizes the status being returned.
detailed status message
The remained lines of the message which will be the detailed information of the status. Typically it can be the output of the df command or the top processes by CPU utilization or the detailed responses of network checks.


The spong-server listens in on port 1984 for status Big Brother
client updates. After a socket has been opens the client sends a message
with the following format:

    command host service color time summary (\n)
    detailed status message line 1 (\n)
    detailed status message line 2 (\n)
    detailed status message line n (\n)


The command being sent to the spong server indicating a type of update message or a change in operating status of the client. At present the only command defined is status which indicates a service status update message.
The fully qualified domain name of the host the message is for.
The name of the service that the update message is for.
The status color of the service (green - ok, yellow - warning, red - alert).
The date/time of the update message in standard date format (i.e. Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 UTC 1970)
The status summary message field.
detailed status message
The remained lines of the message which will be the detailed information of the status. Typically it can be the output of the df command or the top processes by CPU utilization or the detailed responses of network checks.


spong-client, spong-network, spong-message and spong-server use various routines which are coded as modules. When the programs are initializing, they determine which modules are going to be required. The programs then go out and load each of the modules from the library directory. When the modules are loaded they register themselves with the plug-ins registry. The plug-in registry is the mechanism that the client programs use to keep track of the modules into order to run them.


spong-server has a hook that allows external programs access to the incoming status updates coming from Spong client programs. The hook takes the form of Server Data modules which are called after spong-server stores the status update in it's database.

spong-server passes all of the information of the update message in addition to the current event status duration to the Data Module. The modules should do any processing that they need to do in as short a time as possible. This is to minimize the resource overhead with lots of simultaneous status updates arrive at same time.

Debugging messages and error messages can be printed by using the &main::debug() and &main::error() functions respectively. If the module develops a fatal error, it should terminate using the die() or croak() functions depending on ones preference. Modules should just return upon a successful invocation.

See the spong-server-mod-template entry elsewhere in this document for an example of how to code a spong-server Server Data Module.


Client modules define checks which are to be done on the host that the spong-client program is running on. The module's check function is called without any parameters. Client modules are expected to issue any systems command and parse the output in order to determine the service status.

Any threshold variables needed for warning and alert level trigger need to be defined and placed into the SPONG/etc/spong.conf file. The threshold variable need to be uniquely named and should be named according to the type of check being done (i.e. $DISKWARN or $DFWARN for disk checks and $CPUWARN for CPU checks, etc.).

Once the service status and messages have been determined the module can call the &main::status() function in order to send the information back to the spong-server. See the section on Status Function elsewhere in this document for more information.


Network modules defined checks that to be done on hosts over the network to ensure that a network service is running. The modules are called with the name of the host the check is to be done to. The modules is also expected to put an alarm wrapper around the code that performs the check. This is to prevent excessive delays dues to lost communications. It is suggested that 10 seconds be used for the alarm setting.

The module should not call the &main::status() function directly. spong-network has a mechanism for rechecking services that are reported down on an initial check. If the recheck mechanism is engaged, "red" statuses will be downgraded to "yellow" until a failure count threshold is reached. The the services will be reported as "red".

After the status condition has been determined the check function should return three parameters:

The status color either "red", "yellow", or "green".
A short line line summary of the status
more detailed information (can be multi-lined)

These parameters are the same that will be passed to the &main::status() command. See the section on Status Function elsewhere in this document for more information on these parameters.

The network modules have two support functions available, &main::check_tcp() and &main::check_simple(), which can simplify simple TCP port checks.

&main::check_tcp( host, port, data );

Where the arguments are:

The name or ip address of the host to be checked.
The name, or port number, of service to connect with.
The data to be send to the host after the port is opened.

The function &main::check_tcp() will make a connection to the given PORT on the HOST and send a message (DATA). It then returns what it gets back to the caller.

&main::check_simple( host, port, send, check, service)

Where the arguments are

The name or ip address of the host to be checked.
The name of the port to connect with.
The message to sent to the host after the port is opened.
A perl regular express to be used to validate the response return by the host.
The name of the service being check. It is used in the summary and detailed status messages.

The function &main::check_simple() is a generic TCP port checking routine. This will go out connect to a given port (using &main::check_tcp()) and check to make sure you get back expected results. The function returned three parameters: STATUS, SUMMARY and MESSAGE as detailed above. The return values of this function can returned as the necessary returned values of the check module.


Message modules are function called to send a notification message to a contact on a specific service or service. The messaging functions are called with an the contacts identifier for the messaging service (i.e. the page PIN code of a paging provider). The messaging module is expected to take care of all of the data formating and communications logic to send a notification message to the contact.

The messaging functions has access to these global variable in order format a notification message:

The status color of the message
The fully qualified domain name of the host
The date and time of the message being sent. (format is epoch time or time())
A one line summary status line
The current duration of the current status in seconds. (a zero duration indicates a change in status)

There are two support functions that be used to format a message and send the message via e-mail: &main::email_status() and &main::email_mini_status(). Both functions format e-mail message to be send to RECIPIENTS, but email_mini_status() sends out a shorter mail message which is more suitable for SMS and smaller alpha pagers.

Both functions are called thusly:

&main::email_status( recipient, flags )

&main::email_mini_status( recipient, flags )

Where the arguments to the functions are:

one or more e-mail recipients which placed in the to: line of the mail message.
flags to alter the formating of the message.

The only flag current defined is 'shortsubject'. This prevents $color, $hostname, and $summary from being placed on the "subject:" line.


Creating the actual modules is very trivia to do. Create your module by following the appropriate template from below.

Then place your template module file into the appropriate directory below.

Then test your modules by running the program with the --debug parameter to see if it is operating properly.

Status Function


The arguments to the &main::status() function are:

The full hostname of the machine being reported.
The a short name that describes the service that you are reporting on.
The color of the status being reported, either "green", "yellow", or "red". "green" denotes an OK status, there are no problems and everything is within normal parameters. "yellow" denotes a warning status, a abnormal situation that has which may be need to be looked at or a parameter has changed (up or down) towards a critical level. "red" denotes an alert status, a critical situation that has arisen and needs immediate attention or a parameter has changed (up or down) to a critical level.
A short one line summary of the status. This should be a short and concise summary of the current situation of the service. The simplest form is to say "Service is OK" or "Service is down". Another form is to display current information (like system uptime, number of job and users) and additional text for warning and alerts (i.e. "uptime - 123, jobs - 123, users - 123, cpu load level is at 3.2").

If you are reporting on multiple sets of like items (like file partitions or processes), report the names of those items that are abnormal, (i.e. "filesystems: / at 99%, /tmp at 100%").

This is the place to put detailed information about the status of the service. Typically this will be the output of the system commands or function calls. For example, it could be the 10 jobs by cpu usage in a ps command, or the output of a df command for disk checking.

There are no limitations on the contexts of the field. You can include URL's that link to another monitor package or take you to an administration web page for the service in question.


the spong-server entry elsewhere in this document, the spong-client entry elsewhere in this document, the spong-network entry elsewhere in this document, the spong-message entry elsewhere in this document, the spong-server-mod-template entry elsewhere in this document, the spong-client-mod-template entry elsewhere in this document, the spong-network-mod-template entry elsewhere in this document, the spong-message-mod-template entry elsewhere in this document, the spong.conf manpage


Stephen L Johnson, <>

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